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Nusa Brand Ambassador

Terms & Conditions


Nusa would like your assistance as a Brand Ambassador in promoting Nusa’s products on-line via your social media accounts, blog, or through other on-line or off-line activities. Nusa hereby appoints the Brand Ambassador as its representative on a non-exclusive, non-employee basis to endorse and promote its products and brand to the target audience.


This Agreement shall be ongoing until such time as either party chooses to terminate the agreement by giving notice to the other party.


Your sole compensation for activities as a Brand Ambassador by Nusa will be the sales commission specified in the commission schedule below (“Commission”). The commission schedule may be modified from time to time at Nusa’s sole discretion; provided, that any such modification will be on a going-forward basis, and any Commission earned pursuant to the terms in place prior such modification will be paid in the regular course of business. You may choose to have your commissions paid to a charitable cause approved by Nusa.

  • You will be entitled to 20% of every Nusa sale where the unique coupon assigned to you is used, or where the customer is referred to the Nusa website with the referrer reference assigned to you in the URL and the purchase is made within 90 days of such a visit.
  • Products that you purchase for yourself, and sales that result in returns, shall not generate Commission. Nusa will make the final determination as to the amount of Commission to be paid based on the orders attributed to you, and such determination will be final.
  • Nusa’s web application will track all resulting orders and payments from customers.
  • Payment will be made within 3 working days of the start of each month, to a PayPal account, for all commissions due from attributable sales in the previous calendar month.

Prohibited Content

You agree that you will not post content referencing Nusa on any social media platform or public forum, that:

  • is pornographic, sexually explicit or suggestive, or contains profanity or nudity; is unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group;
  • promotes illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing);
  • promotes any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous;
  • is obscene or offensive, or endorses any form of hate or hate group;
  • defames, misrepresents or contains disparaging remarks about other people or entities;
  • communicates messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or good will with which Nusa wishes to associate;
  • violates any law.


You agree to hold Nusa, its officers, agents, assignees and employees harmless for any liability from any injury or damage arising from your use or promotion of any Nusa product.


You are an independent contractor; this agreement shall not be construed as creating an employer/employee relationship. You are responsible for declaring your own taxes for any commission that you have earned.


Occasionally we may share information with you that is confidential in nature, such information will be identified as confidential and you are expected to maintain this information in the strictest confidence. Any disclosure of confidential information will terminate this agreement and may result in legal action.

Intellectual Property

You hereby grant Nusa, the unlimited and unencumbered use of any and all work product developed by you in conjunction with the performance of Brand Ambassador activities for Nusa. Work product includes but is not limited to all social media posts, pictures, images, videos, recordings, taglines, hashtags, posts, commentary, and designs.

  1. Except where prohibited by law or regulation, you grant Nusa and its successors, assigns, licensees and designees permission to use your name, Social Media Platform account name, photograph (including, but not limited to, Social Media Platform account profile photo), voice and/or other likeness, in all media now known or hereafter discovered (including, without limitation, on Nusa websites and via Nusa’s Social Media Platform accounts), worldwide in perpetuity, for any purpose without additional compensation, consideration, notification or consent.
  2. You are not authorized to use any copyrighted content from any other companies to promote the Nusa brand. Nusa will not be responsible for any disputes involving the unauthorized use of any other company’s intellectual property.


We may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement in the future. Unless this Agreement or applicable law specifies otherwise, we will give you thirty (30) days prior notice of any significant change to this Agreement. If you find the change unacceptable, you have the right to terminate the Agreement. However, if you continue to receive the benefits of the Agreement after the end of the notice period of the change, you will be considered to have accepted the changes. You may not modify this Agreement by making any typed, handwritten, or any other changes to it for any purpose.

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